A foodie guide to bringing the outside in

Maybe you clicked on this article hoping for tips on pruning pretty plants, keeping your space green and beautiful. Unfortunately, I’m the least green-fingered person I know: the plants in my flat consist of a succulent that it’s almost impossible to kill and the basil plant that I have to replace sporadically when I accidentally let it die. Whoops.

When it comes to bringing the outside in, I’m talking about something slightly different. Inspired by Angloyankophile‘s recent post on how she uses items she’s collected around the world to design unique interiors for her home, I’ve been thinking about writing a post on how the bits and pieces I’ve picked up on my travels help my place feel as homely as possible, something that’s sometimes difficult when living in a rented apartment. Here are a few of my favourite items that help me bring the outside world in…

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